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Baby Photographer – Christopher is One!

When Christopher’s mom contacted me in early November to schedule his One Year portrait session, I have to admit, I had to look back at my calendar and double check that 12 months had indeed gone by since his newborn portrait session. I just couldn’t believe it! 2011 went by TOO FAST! We had a…

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Certification Creates Confidence

You may have noticed the words CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER in a few places on my website and blog and wondered exactly what that means and why do I make such a big deal out of it? When I first set out to obtain my CPP designation, it was purely self-motivated challenge.  I never intended to promote…

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Newborn Photography – Meet Ryan!

I will sneak in one last newborn post before 2011, but don’t worry –  I still have a few newborns that I photographed before Christmas to share, so be sure to check back in after the first. 😉 I know I gush all the time about the sweet little babies I get to play with…

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Phoenix Baby Photographer – Ivy is One!

LOVE LOVE LOVE Miss Ivy – she is such a charming little girl – smiling and clapping and just absolutely adorable. I didn’t want to let her go home, but I think her happiness level was tied into the presence of her mom and it would likely plummet if Mom left without her.  Miss Ivy…

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Newborn Photographer – Meet Bradley!

This little man decided he DEFINITELY wanted to be in on the turkey action for Thanksgiving (and maybe catch a few football games on the TV with dad?) He arrived two weeks early but weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 9 oz! I can only imagine how big he would have been had he hung out…

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Scottsdale Child Photographer – Run Sammy, Run!

Eighteen months ago Sammy gave me a run for my money at Scottsdale Civic Center plaza for his 2 year portraits. Last November we went for a merry chase around DC Ranch Market Street to capture some beautiful holiday portraits with his mom and Grandma. This year we ventured to the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park in…

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