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Baby Photographer – Sofia is 8 months!

Miss Sofia is always a pleasure to have in studio – it’s hard to believe she’s nearly a year old! (I just scheduled her first year session for November! Time flies by!)  We celebrated the “sitting up” milestone this summer with a fantastic portrait session in July. Grandma came along to participate – always a…

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Phoenix Newborn Photographer – Meet JR!

Wow – What a summer! I was ashamed to see that my last blog post was June 22nd – I promise you I have NOT been inactive for the past two months! It was a busy summer filled with beautiful bellies, precious newborns and even a few smiling, giggling babies and toddlers! Here is one…

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Baby Photographer – Sandy is 6 months!

Wow! Time is flying by!! Seems like just yesterday I was meeting this little guy when he was still a tiny, sleeping newborn! Now he’s crawling all over the place and discovering the joys of having Mom & Dad chase after him!

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