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This is a shameless mom-post. Isn’t my Sarah cute? (Just nod your head and agree!) She’s nearly 21 months – and seems to be on the cusp of her terrible twos. She’s learning to pitch fits when she doesn’t get her way and when she’s doing something she shouldn’t be and you give her that…

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Clovers, Cupcakes & Ice Cream – Mmmmm Mmmm Good!

Growing up in Iowa, I joined 4-H when I was in elementary school after a not-so-enthusiastic endeavor into Brownies & Girl Scouts. 4-H was more my speed as it allowed me to pursue my individual interests (such as baking, photography and raising rabbits). The program helped give me a good foundation on how to set…

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|SneakPeek| Ethan – 15 days

This little man had SUCH drama surrounding his birth! His heartbeat became undetectable during labor so Mom was whisked away for an emergency c-section. Her OB had a nasty case of food poisoning and wasn’t able to perform the c-section so they had to call in the doctor who lived the closest to the hospital…

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|SneakPeek| Ian & Brayden

It’s been nearly a year since I’ve seen this brotherly duo and MY how things have changed! Ian is still a fun loving older brother but Brayden is really working to make his mark on the world! Ian is getting ready to celebrate his 4th birthday! He was very adamant to remind me, though, that…

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Mother’s Day: Perfect Gift

If you’ve ever met me in person, you’ve probably caught me wearing my favorite jewelry pieces from Sentimental Silverâ„¢. My good friend Christi J is the owner/designer of this hip line of personalized sterling silver jewelry and I wanted to share her website and a few pictures since Mother’s Day is less than a month…

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