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Creative Memories November 2022 Virtual Crop

I am clearly behind on things this month! But to be fair, the November 2022 Virtual Crop coincided with WSU’s Parent’s weekend which made doing much more than adding measurements to the sketches and sharing on Facebook nearly impossible. However, I did want to share the sketches here on the blog for posterity’s sake, so here we go!

Scrapbook Sketch 1

This is a pretty straight forward sketch, however there is a fantastic example of how to spice it up a bit over on the Creative Memories Blog.

Scrapbook Sketch 2

Scrapbook Sketch 3

This sketch is from a Serene Waters layout. You can find the directions here.

Scrapbook Sketch 4

Sketch 5

Scrapbook Sketch 6

This sketch is also from a CM Blog Project.

Sketch Summary Pages

I am changing up the format of the summary pages. Feedback I’ve received is that on the single page summaries the measurements are too small to read. I have changed over to a multi-page format that will allow the sketches to be a bit bigger on the page. This is only available as a PDF format, which means I will need to share it here on my blog as a download or within my Scrapbooking with Meggan Facebook group.

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