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Phoenix Baby Photographer | Patrick – 1 Year!

It’s hard to believe how fast the first year can pass you by… it seems like just yesterday I was photographing Patrick’s newborn portraits and now I am posting his FIRST BIRTHDAY portraits! Where did the year go????? A few of my favorites from his session:

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Scottsdale Baby Photographer | Mia – 8 weeks

Princess… nothing else can describe little Mia. Absolute princess. :)  She behaved like one, looks like one and her mom and dad spoil her like one (as they should!)  I feel like I have photographed royalty! 🙂

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Arizona Newborn Photographer | Brookley – 10 days

Meet Miss Brookley – a gorgeous little gal from the SW corner of our state.  She and her parents had a nearly 3 hour drive to get to the session, but Miss B was a pure joy and easy little gal. We had LOTS of fun. Congrats to C&B for a job well done on…

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Scottsdale Child Photographer | Sam at Two

He made me work for it.  And I mean WORK.FOR.IT.  Sam came to his session at Scottsdale Civic Center Plaza rarin’ to go – fresh from a nap and full of energy.Non-stop action for over an hour – and I loved it!   We ventured all over the grounds and left very few corners unexplored. In…

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Scottsdale Newborn Photographer | Colton – 9 days

I love watching families grow!  I met R & D, a beautiful couple, when they were expecting their daughter in the fall of 2007 and have had the pleasure of photographing them several times in the past two years. Most recently was for the anticipation and arrival of their newest child, a beautiful baby boy,…

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Phoenix Baby Photographer | Miss Audrey

I am WAY behind on blogging sessions so if you are a Facebook Fan you may have seen these adorable portraits already… and if you AREN’T a fan, you have a LOT of explaining to do!!! MJ PHOTOGRAPHY ON FACEBOOK Now, on to the beautiful Miss Audrey. I hope you are ready to fall in…

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Phoenix Pregnancy Photographer | The D Family

I can flat out say that this family was a delight to photograph. So much love and anticipation for the new baby that should be arriving soon and I can’t wait to meet the little one myself. Oh the fun we will have! 🙂 Here are a few of my favorites:

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Phoenix Child Photographer | Frankie {2} & Rori {6M}

These two kiddos visited me recently in the studio – such an absolute delight to photograph! Mom was a bit nervous about how the kids would do – I reassured her that things would go well! There isn’t a thing her kids could do that my own hadn’t tried a time or two! We had…

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Phoenix Newborn Photographer | Sera {4 weeks}

Last month I was visited by a jet-setting trio of sisters – Sofia and Stella (along with their mom) brought in their adorable new sister, Sera for some portraits. They were in Scottsdale, fresh from Zurich, for a brief stay before moving on to Calgary for the summer and then back to Europe.  I admit,…

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Phoenix Baby Photographer | Dylan {3 months}

This cutie is the latest addition to the babyJACKS club – such an adorable little guy with the sweetest set of parents. I even had the opportunity to meet Grandma and can say that Dylan is surrounded by people who can’t get enough of him! Here are a few from our session:

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