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Shipping Details

I use Pirate Ship to source the best price for shipping. I am currently only able to ship to US addresses.

Most 12-inch products, such as albums, secret boxes, decorative bundles that include paper, cutting mats, etc. will ship for a minimum of $13 due to size and weight.

$5 Shipping

Orders of $25 or less

Single BMC, paper pack or total package weight under 1lb.

$9 Shipping

Orders $25.01- $80.00

Excludes 12-inch products such as albums, paper packs, cutting mats, recipe templates, Secret Boxes, etc.

$13 Shipping

Orders $80.01 – $150

Minimum shipping charge for 12-inch products due to requiring a box to ship.

$18 Shipping*

Orders $150.01+

*If I am able to ship your order for less than $18, I will refund the excess shipping charge.

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