Can’t claim double trouble on this duo yet – they were such sweet little guys for their portrait session. Maybe they are just storing up energy for their toddler years? 🙂
Author: Meggan Jacks
Newborn Photographer – Sweet Marlie Mae {Fifteen Days}
Sweet Marlie decided that there was a New Year’s Eve bash she didn’t want to miss and therefore it was important that she show up three weeks early. Never was a little surprise any more welcomed and loved!
Baby Photographer – Meet Maro!
Six month old Maro came to visit with his big, four-legged, furry sister Emma. Such a fun duo and definitely the delight of their parents lives!
Baby Photographer – Ryleigh is 3 months
Yep, she’s THAT cute.
Baby Photographer – Gemma at 8 Months
My neice Gemma has reached the fun age of 8 months. I’d like to say that she adores her Aunt Meggan, but at her session, she was definitely giving me the stink eye. ;)  I will just blame it on teeth issues (hers, not mine! haha!) We persevered and with her mom acting like the total…
Newborn Photographer – Meet Ava!
This little beauty came to visit just a few days after she was born… so sweet!
Baby Photographer – Christopher is One!
When Christopher’s mom contacted me in early November to schedule his One Year portrait session, I have to admit, I had to look back at my calendar and double check that 12 months had indeed gone by since his newborn portrait session. I just couldn’t believe it! 2011 went by TOO FAST! We had a…
Certification Creates Confidence
You may have noticed the words CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER in a few places on my website and blog and wondered exactly what that means and why do I make such a big deal out of it? When I first set out to obtain my CPP designation, it was purely self-motivated challenge. I never intended to promote…
Newborn Photography – Meet Ryan!
I will sneak in one last newborn post before 2011, but don’t worry –  I still have a few newborns that I photographed before Christmas to share, so be sure to check back in after the first. 😉 I know I gush all the time about the sweet little babies I get to play with…
Newborn Photographer – Meet Abigail!
Miss Abigail brought in her big, furry sister, Hannah, with her to her session. Both girls were on their best behavior and the session resulted in an AMAZING set of newborn portraits! Here are a few of my favorites: