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Newborn Photographer – Alexander Joseph

Love, love, LOVE this little guy. His parents are a riot – I’ve never laughed so much at any session. Even though they are from Nebraska, they redeemed themselves by attending college in Iowa, though they “slummed it” at Iowa State. ;)  Huge congrats to E & E – AJ is adorable!

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Maternity and Newborn Photographer – Meet Benjamin

I had the pleasure this fall to work with an absolutely lovely couple as they anticipated the arrival of thier first child, Benjamin. So much love and excitement surrounded the arrival of this little guy! Here are some images from the maternity session as well as his newborn session. 🙂

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Newborn Photographer – Meet Rachel

This is a quick trip back in the time machine – for various reasons I failed to get this little beauty up on my blog when she was still tiny newborn, but even though she’s MUCH bigger now, her newborn session remains one of my favorites. Her peaches and cream complexion went perfectly with the peachy…

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Phoenix Baby Photographer – Gigi is One!

I am always amazed at how fast a year flies by when photographing babies. I swear it was just yesterday that I met Gigi and her mom for the first time!  Now she’s a curious 1 year old! Amazing!  We decided to head outdoors for her one year portrait session and found DC Ranch Market…

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Newborn Photographer – Meet Sandy! 3 weeks old

Such a cutie! Sandy came over with his mom for his newborn portrait session. He was a *tiny* bit fussy – but nothing that some snuggling with me wouldn’t cure. I was pleased as punch that he was happy to let me swaddle him and hold him close to soothe him back into prime portrait…

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Scottsdale Family Photographer – The D Family

Such a great way to spend a Sunday morning! I met up with the D family at DC Ranch Market Street. Mom contacted me about doing family portraits as well as some portraits of their preschool – Little Sunshine PreSchool & Playhouse.  As you can see, their family is beautiful and their preschool facility is…

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Baby Photographer – Patrick is One!

Fun. Fun. FUN!!! This little guy (and his mom) came all the way from Vancouver, BC (as in Canada!) to visit his Grandma.  She thought it would be the perfect opportunity to celebrate his first birthday milestone with a portrait session!  Such a typical boy – crawling all over everything and trying to decide if walking was…

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