Miss Matisse is such an adorable bundle of squishy newborn-ness I almost didn’t want to let her go home! I ADORE her name (I am a HUGE fan of Henri Matisse) and want to say a HUGE “Thank you!” to her parents for letting me capture her first portraits!
Author: Meggan Jacks
Phoenix Newborn Photographer – Lauren – 3 days
Yes! You read that correctly – THREE DAYS! Miss Lauren is my youngest client to date! This little beauty was born at home, so at the age when most hospital-born babies are just getting discharged, she was spending an afternoon with yours truly! 🙂 It was such a treat to work with such a young…
|Des Moines Child & Family Photographer| Now Booking Sessions…
I am really excited to have confirmed plans to be Des Moines October 10th through the 18th. I’ve got the studio location reserved and have a whole list of on-location areas that would be perfect for child and family sessions. What I am really excited about is that session fees for my time/talent will be…
|Scottsdale Child Photographer| Maddie (5) & Melanie (2)
I first met Maddie when she was her sister, Melanie’s age, waaaayy back in early 2006. Well, to keep all things fair and square between two sisters, Miss Melanie needed to have some gorgeous portraits to celebrate her own 2nd year! Maddie, Melanie and I (oh, and their mom!) had great time dancing and laughing.
|Phoenix Newborn Photographer| Madison – 9 days
Miss Tatum brought her new little sister, Madison, in to see me a little over a week ago. I have a feeling in a couple years, once they get past the “why don’t you share your toys with me” stage, they will be two peas in a pod! So cute together! This one makes me…
|Phoenix Maternity Photographer| Waiting for Tanner!
I met the wonderful H family when they were expecting their second child, Chloe, in February 2005. Over the past 4.5 years, we’ve become good friends and I was excited beyond belief when told they were expecting another baby (I’ve already reserved some extra cuddle time with baby Tanner!) Last week they all came in…
|Phoenix Mom| Sniff Sniff – Kev’s 1st Day of Kindergarten
Okay, I really didn’t cry (well, one small tear) but I think I still have all the fear, apprehension, anxiousness and pride that a mom of a Kindergartner can possibly contain. We are lucky to have a wonderful teacher and what looks to be a great set of kids in Kev’s class. Can hardly wait…
|Scottsdale Newborn Photographer| Chase – 2 weeks
I enjoyed everything about this session – Mr. Chase was a pleasure to cuddle with and his big brother Jack was a bit shy, but as you can see, he loves his little brother! Here are a few of my favorites:
|Phoenix Baby Photographer| Logan – 8 Months!
Miss Logan’s 8 month session was SOOOO much fun – she brought along her posse – her mom and her mom’s two best friends! We had a great time with a gorgeous tutu and my favorite CCDs (child containment device)! Here are a few sneaks from her portrait session:
|Phoenix Baby Photographer| Malia – 1 Year!
Just before I departed for Montana (I promise a post full of pics of that later!) I was able to spend a morning with Malia and capture her 1 year portraits. I just finished up her gallery and wanted to share some of the “cake destruction” pictures – just SOOOO cute!