Meet Sloane – the newest addition to one of my favorite families and the little sister to Holden, who was first introduced on the blog WAY back in April 2007 in THIS post. I just have to say that TIME FLIES! Sloane was a peach of a newborn – so snuggly and new – I…
Author: Meggan Jacks
|Sneak Peek| Phoenix Siblings
I had the pleasure of photographing a set of siblings in the central Phoenix area a couple weeks ago – Such a lively crew and a delight to photograph. I thought I’d share some of my favorites:
|Sneak Peek| Sam – 1 Year!
A few to share of this birthday boy who visited earlier this month. He wasn’t quite walking (though I bet by now he’s cruising all over the place!) and he was a little shy, but as you can see, he warmed up quite nicely and had lots of fun watching us make silly faces and…
|Sneak Peek|Waiting for Baby!
I just have to share this image because I LOVE the subtle emotion of it – A wonderful couple expecting their first baby! I can’t wait to meet the little on in a few weeks!
|Phoenix Photographer| Brooke – 6 months
Miss Brooke was such an adorable peanut for her session – you may remember her from HERE, her newborn session this past October – so cute with her little daisy headband! She brought her headband along this time and as you can see, she has made quite the transformation from the sleepy little newborn to…
|Sneak Peek| Waiting for Kennedy
I just love this image of Kiley and her mom! Baby Kennedy is lucky to have such a fabulous big sister waiting anxiously for her arrival – stay tuned to the blog as I am sure Kennedy will be making her big debut in the next few weeks!
|Family Fun| A new fave – Blokus!
I just have to share my family’s new favorite game – Blokus. SOOOO much fun and my 5 year old son understood the concept of it right away! I purchased the game from but you can also find it, I think, at local places like Target! I can’t recommend this game enough and it…
|Phoenix Newborn| Amelisse – 13 days
This is a belated blog entry – I am ashamed to say somehow I missed blogging about this little beauty. She has the most beautiful petite model features! And here’s big brother giving her some lovin’ – He was definitely NOT shy about dishing out the kisses!
|Sneak Peek| Ella – two weeks
When I spied Miss Ella for the first time, I had to GASP at the amount of hair she has! I asked her momma if she was suprised her precious girl arrived with such a splendid amount of hair and she joked that it really explained the intense amount of heartburn! I guess some old…
|Sneak Peek| Robbie – 2 weeks
Such a sweet, sweet newborn boy. Some of my favorites from his session…. Who can resist a newborn’s smile?