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|Sneak Peek| Jackson – 3 weeks

This sweet little guy arrived JUST in time for Christmas – I think he heard all the hubbub of holiday preparations and wanted to see for himself what the fuss was all about…  I don’t think a parent could ask for much more than to spend the holidays suggling with their brand new baby! I…

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[Sneak Peek] Holiday Boys!

These two little munchkins arrived just in time to celebrate the holidays with their respective moms & dads. 🙂 They also had the pleasure of being the last two sessions of 2008 for me! Mr. Spencer, at six days young,  visited on Wednesday – he was VERY modest and preferred the comfortable warmth of his…

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Busy as a bee…..

I profusely apologize for my lack of posting sessions in a reasonable time frame. ‘Tis the life of a portrait photographer in November & December! Thankfully things are winding down and I found a few moments to pick out a few favorite images from some sessions this fall. Thank you, thank you to all who…

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Brother & Sister, Cutie Pa[two]ties and Miss Sass…

For me, this time of year is all about effeciency, so I am maximizing my blogging time by sharing three sessions at once…. Some recent faves! Adorable Brother & Sister pair – such a fun session! Three week old twins can be a bit of a challenge – we had to wait nearly three hours…

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|(Not So) Sneak Peek| Vanessa – 1 Year

[I am still behind again on posting, probably by a good week. Sorry about that!] Miss Vanessa turned the BIG ONE a couple weeks ago. Such a cutie pa-tootie – worked with us through some family images, suffered (ha ha!) through hugs and kisses from big brother & sister and breezed through the finale with…

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|Sneak Peek| Abigail – 3 weeks

I’ve been a bad bad bad blogger recently – I apologize. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing LOTS of wonderful bellies, babies and families over the last several weeks and I am SOO behind on sharing them! Here is Miss Abigail – the beautiful new daughter of my clients. 🙂 She was such a sweetie!…

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