Can I just say Miss Emma has a wardrobe I would die for! 🙂 She’s a very stylish, and TONS of fun, little girl. A few favorites from her session… and yes, there was some cake destruction at the end. These 1 year old sessions are turning into some of my favorite sessions! 🙂
Author: Meggan Jacks
|Sneak Peek| Jackson – 10 days
This little cutie came to visit me early last week with his Mom & Dad. He’s the perfect combination of his parents! 🙂 A couple of my favorites…
|Sneak Peek| Jordyn – 10 days
Miss Jordyn was simply one of the sweetest little newborns I’ve had the pleasure of photographing. About 2/3rds of the way through the session, she just ZONKED out and let me have all sorts of fun with her. 🙂
|Sneak Peek| Jake (aka: The Cake Destoryer)
All I can say is that Jake loves cake as much as I do. It took him just a second or two to re-familiarize himself with the concept of cake, but once his taste buds met up with that yummy sweetness, that cake never stood a chance…
|Sneak Peek| Waiting for Jordyn – 38 weeks
Well, the wait is technically over, as Miss Jordyn, former resident of this gorgeous belly, made her arrival about 1 week after this portrait was taken, but I still feel so compelled to share this image. Little Callie, an adorable Maltese puppy (though I am not sure a 1 year old dog is really a…
|Sneak Peek| Davis – 2 weeks
Can I get are nice round “Chubba Wubba!” from all you out there? 🙂 “Little” Davis arrived in early January weghing in at a solid 10lbs 11ozs and measuring 23 inches. You look at him and you just want to (gently) squeeze his chubby cheeks and cuddle with him! Too cute!
|Sneak Peek| Newborn Kayleigh – Nine Days
Oh boy, oh boy… it’s a GIRL! I was so excited to see Miss Kayleigh last week! As you can tell from my previous two blog entries (and will see again in another day or so) I’ve had several sweet little newborn boys in studio – so having an adorable baby girl come in for…
|Sneak Peek| Hunter – Three Weeks
Meet Hunter – the newest addition to one of my favorite families! He arrive just after Christmas and as you can see, his older brother is VERY pleased with his little brother! 🙂 Big brother was super cooperative and eager to assist!
|Sneak Peek| Jackson – 3 weeks
This sweet little guy arrived JUST in time for Christmas – I think he heard all the hubbub of holiday preparations and wanted to see for himself what the fuss was all about… I don’t think a parent could ask for much more than to spend the holidays suggling with their brand new baby! I…
[Sneak Peek] Holiday Boys!
These two little munchkins arrived just in time to celebrate the holidays with their respective moms & dads. 🙂 They also had the pleasure of being the last two sessions of 2008 for me! Mr. Spencer, at six days young, visited on Wednesday – he was VERY modest and preferred the comfortable warmth of his…