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Phoenix Baby Photographer | Hudson – 6 months

I had the pleasure of photographing Mr. Hudson a couple weeks ago. Such a cutie at 6 months of age! While he was born in AZ, I think he’s a TX boy at heart since both his mom and his dad are from the Lone Star State.  I predict cowboy boots, a Stetson and Wranglers…

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Phoenix Family Photographer | Jackson & Owen

I have to start off by saying that  I’ve been a neglectful photographer and haven’t scoped out new locations for a LONG time and thus have missed a GEM of a location on the west side of town. Saguaro Ranch Park in Glendale is truly a delightful place to visit even when you are not…

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Scottsdale Family Photographer | The G Family!

You definitley will recognize these two beauties – Maddie & Melanie were featured on the blog a few months ago when they came in for a studio session to capture Melanie at age two.  Dad, however, couldn’t make the session, so Mom decided that we’d follow up once the weather cooled off for a family…

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Phoenix Child Photographer | Monkeyin’ around!

Hunter turned 9 months and to keep in line with the portraits we took for his older brother Carter, we captured some ADORABLE portraits of him in his monkey Halloween costume.  We even prop’d it up a bit with a banana!

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Scottsdale Family Photographer | Avery {4} & Andrew {1}

What a difference a few months make! In May, for Andrew’s 7 month session, his big ‘sis Avery didn’t want much to do with him (must have been that 3-year old “diva” stage!) But she was happy as a clam sitting with her little brother this time around (maybe he was drooling less?) As you…

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Halloween 2009

I’ve managed to make it onto the Costume Express ( mailing list. I believe this year the first catalog arrived in June.  My son immediately latched on to the copy of it and proceeded to circle every costume in the book that he wanted. Then, in July, the 2nd copy of it arrived (I am…

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Phoenix Family Photographer |Holiday Portraits 2009|

There are a few spots remaining for holiday portraits this fall. It’s a great time of year to get out and enjoy the cooler temperatures with an on-location session. Of course, the studio is always ready if you prefer something a little more formal. We also have a wide variety of holiday card designs that…

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Phoenix Newborn Photographer – Lilah Noelle – 2 weeks

I am REALLY behind posting session “sneak peeks” and in fact, can’t really call any of these “sneak peeks” because the Moms & Dads (and all their friends and families) have already viewed their session images, but I still want to share these cuties! Miss Lilah was born at the end of September and as…

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