Miss Vanessa came to visit today to celebrate her six month birthday with some beautiful portraits! I promised her Mom some sneak peeks this weekend – These are just a few of my faves – I saw SOOO many adorable ones in the mix. Hard to choose the ones to show on here! 🙂
Author: Meggan Jacks
|SneakPeek| Ethan – 15 days
This little man had SUCH drama surrounding his birth! His heartbeat became undetectable during labor so Mom was whisked away for an emergency c-section. Her OB had a nasty case of food poisoning and wasn’t able to perform the c-section so they had to call in the doctor who lived the closest to the hospital…
|SneakPeek| Ian & Brayden
It’s been nearly a year since I’ve seen this brotherly duo and MY how things have changed! Ian is still a fun loving older brother but Brayden is really working to make his mark on the world! Ian is getting ready to celebrate his 4th birthday! He was very adamant to remind me, though, that…
Sarah and the Pool
Summer decided to pop in over the weekend and wave “hello” and remind us that it hasn’t forgotten about us Phoenicians – I think it was 95 or so on Sunday. Ugh. Thankfully the 10-day forecast for Phoenix doesn’t look too bad. Each spring we purchase a little plastic play pool for the kids. We…
Mother’s Day: Perfect Gift
If you’ve ever met me in person, you’ve probably caught me wearing my favorite jewelry pieces from Sentimental Silverâ„¢. My good friend Christi J is the owner/designer of this hip line of personalized sterling silver jewelry and I wanted to share her website and a few pictures since Mother’s Day is less than a month…
|Sneak Peek| Gavin – 4 weeks
This little guy came to see me today and he was SOOO excited to be here that he nearly refused to doze off – even with a full belly he thought there was just too much excitement to miss. See, I am the coolest photographer in Phoenix. Gavin thinks so – giving me the “thumbs…
Kids Fly Safe
Since both my husband’s and my family lives in the Midwest, we fly, on average, 2-3 times a year, if not more (Sarah took 6 round trip flights in her first year!) Scott and I have the “get to the gate” routine down to a science and both kids are pretty well behaved on the…
Baby in a bowl
Bowls, buckets and basets are a two-fold joy for me – they hold itty bitty newborns and really emphasize how small they are and they serve as containment devices for crawlers. 🙂 This rustic wooden bowl is my latest acquisition – I got all giddy when I saw it and I think the other shoppers…
Little Little Sister Turns 1
Almost one year ago I featured newborn Miss Olivia on the blog with her older brother & sister. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing her over the course of the past year and last month photographed her for her 1 year portraits. She’s such a dainty thing – I think her mom said she was…
My 4 year old, Kevin, started t-ball last month. His first game was actually last weekend but I had to miss it because my 20 month old developed *another* ear infection and I was with her at the doctor’s office last weekend. So – today was the first game I was able to watch and…