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Little Little Sister Turns 1

Almost one year ago I featured newborn Miss Olivia on the blog with her older brother & sister. I’ve had the pleasure of photographing her over the course of the past year and last month photographed her for her 1 year portraits. She’s such a dainty thing – I think her mom said she was…

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My 4 year old, Kevin, started t-ball last month. His first game was actually last weekend but I had to miss it because my 20 month old developed *another* ear infection and I was with her at the doctor’s office last weekend. So – today was the first game I was able to watch and…

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Corrected: Calendar of Availability

I just realized today after discussing my calendar with a client that the calendar itself was WAY off and showing dates that should have said “Available” as “Busy”.  This has been corrected now. 🙂 I typically schedule sessions on Tuesday and Thursdays at either 10am or 1pm, and Wednesdays at 4 or 5pm.  I do…

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