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Phoenix Photographer – Multi Generational Family Portrait

I am so excited to share the images from this multi-generation family portrait session! I was contacted by this client in January with questions about sessions and how long they lasted. She wanted to capture a four-generation portrait of her mom, herself, her daughter and her new baby granddaughter. She wondered if there would be…

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Phoenix Photographer – One Year Old Twin Boys

first birthday twin family photos

I had the T twins in my Phoenix portrait studio a few weeks ago for an early celebration of their First Birthday. Mom wanted to capture a few photographs that could be used as part of their birthday party invitation – always a great idea! These two little guys are NOT identical, but are close…

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Posted on Consumer Print Lab Review

Mpix print lab comparison

Overview is the online consumer print lab I generally recommend to my clients for printing the files that they purchase from my studio. Mpix lab offers a nice variety of products and a few options and services not typically found at other consumer labs. Their mounting and lustre coating options are a real benefit…

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Phoenix Newborn Photographer – Sweet Marisa

This gem of a family came to me as a referral from another client of mine. The C family of Scottsdale recently welcomed their new daughter, Marisa, into their heart and home and wanted to celebrate her arrival with newborn photos.  Big brother Aiden was along for the ride and was such a great sport!…

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Costco Photo Center – Consumer print lab review

Overview I have a love/hate relationship with Costco print labs. For the most part, I love them and recommend them, but I do so with one MAJOR caveat: NOT ALL COSTCO PRINT LABS ARE CREATED EQUAL.  In all honesty, this is a disclaimer than can apply to ANY print lab, but since I do, in…

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Phoenix Newborn Photographer – The most handsome boy in the world…

phoenix and scottsdale newborn baby boy photos

According to his Grandma. 🙂 Sure, she may be a bit biased, but I don’t thing Grandma is too far off the mark here. Brighton IS a very handsome young man and was in the perfect mood for his newborn portrait session earlier this month. His session was a gift from Grandma to her son…

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Phoenix Pregnancy Photographer – Waiting for Miss V

This beautiful momma-to-be contacted me earlier this month asking if it was possible to do maternity photos that included her two fur-babies. Being an equal-opportunity studio to animals of all shapes and sizes, I told her “Of course!” Axel and Eve are probably the two cutest mini-doxie pups that I have ever seen. Axel has…

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Friday Favorites Week 1 – Grandma’s Bowls

Project Inspiration I’ve had a project idea floating around in the back of my mind for the past year or so. I am not sure what spurred the idea – perhaps a it was the 52-week photo projects I see periodically shared on Facebook or Instagram.  Whatever the inspiration may be, my ultimate goal is…

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