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Phoenix Family Photographer – 3+2=5!

I met the H family when big brother Holden was just a tiny thing! Now’s he’s got two younger siblings to keep him occupied! Such a fun sessions with a red, white and blue theme! Perfect for summer!

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Phoenix Baby Photographer – Gemma at 4 months!

I had the pleasure of spending time with this smiling little gal earlier this month – aptly named Gemma as she truly is a gem!  Beautiful smiles were to be revealed when you tickled her tummy or blew kisses on her feet.  She revealed why four months is a lovely stage for portraits – all…

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A Photographer’s Definition of Newborn

Two weeks or younger… A photographer’s definition of a newborn may vary vastly from the general public’s idea of a newborn. Typically a photographer considers a newborn a baby that is two weeks or younger – this is because the newly-born stage of life is extremely special! Your baby is very sleepy and pliable –…

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