I love how roly-poly 6 month old babies can be – they are just packing on the pounds until they get the muscles and coordination to crawl around. Jake is no exception to the chubby-bubbly little 6 month old rule – LOVE his rolls! 🙂
Author: Meggan Jacks
|Sneak Peek| Vanessa – 9months
I am still in shock that Miss V is 9 months already! She’s absolutely adorable (as you can tell) and was such a sweetie to work through a few clothing changes for her session…
|Sneak Peek| Brothers – 2.5 and 3 months
I had the pleasure of meeting this duo recently – They definitely look like brothers! 🙂 Just a little silliness… Awww heck – how ’bout some more silliness? 🙂
|Session Peek| Miss A – 10 weeks
Miss Addie was a DOLL to work with – just a sweet little gal who smiled and coo’d at all the right times. 🙂 Isn’t her little outfit adorable – loved the bloomers that had the crochet detail that matched the hat and bodice!
Where there is great love…
… there will always be miracles. These two images are from a recent maternity/newborn session combination. And this little guy is a BIG miracle – weighing in at a whopping 9lbs 15 oz!
|Sneak Peek| One Belly & a Pair of Boots
The little guy still growing in this belly has a cute little pair of boots to grow into – a pair his daddy wore when he was a little tyke. Can’t wait to meet him in a few more weeks!
|Sneak Peek| Ella – 4 weeks
A sweet sweet little chunker – I almost didn’t want to give her back to Mom & Dad. This first one just might melt your heart… love her little peace sign. 🙂
|Sneak Peek| Siena – 2 weeks
This little beauty came to visit me this week – SUCH a doll! A couple images to share from her gallery:
Iowa Pics
Thought I’d share a few of my little girl as she explored Grandma & Grandpa’s yard. I think she was a little overwhelmed by all the grass! The sandbox was BY FAR her favorite place to spend time. She got a nice start on her “must eat 1lb of dirt by the time I am…
|Sneak Peek| Iowa Boy!
Meet my little (second) cousin! He’s a rambunctious three year old – a big boy who rivals my own Kevin (who is 20 months older!) in stature! Guess it’s hard to be short when your dad is 6’5″! I was lucky to have a chance to photograph Sam and his family when I was visiting…