This little gal came in with her mom & dad just before Easter for a fun session. Mom indicated she was a very serious little girl but I have to say that I love her Mona Lisa smile. 🙂 She was a gracious little thing who crawled all over the place (she was VERY interested…
Author: Meggan Jacks
Couldn’t wait…
…. to share. While downloading these images to my PC tonight, I just HAD to edit a few to share on here. Baby M was a delight to photograph – she snoozed quite a bit and at the slightest bit of fussiness, she was easily soothed by Dad. She also qualifies as the smiliest newborn…
Two princesses…
If I were to write a fairytale, it would no doubt feature sisters E&E as the beautiful princesses of the magical land. Their mom has already ensured that they have the wardrobe fit for a royal and they have the beauty to make it believable. 🙂 Funny story for this session – We did the…
Baby on Red
I’ve been meaning to share this little cutie… she snoozed soundly for me for quite a while and let me do whatever I wanted with her for the pictures. 🙂
Baby’s Best Friends
Yes, you are viewing the correct picture – those would be two large dogs next to that tiny baby… I have to say that I was a bit apprehensive about working with two dogs and a newborn, but Cuervo and CJ did a fabulous job with their new baby brother.
Pretty Girl!
Children growing up have the uncanny ability to make you stop and realize how quickly time passes. It seems like just last month I was photographing Miss M when she was still in her momma’s tummy and now she is a busy one year old (and I don’t exaggerate when I say BUSY! She didn’t…
Corrected: Calendar of Availability
I just realized today after discussing my calendar with a client that the calendar itself was WAY off and showing dates that should have said “Available” as “Busy”. This has been corrected now. 🙂 I typically schedule sessions on Tuesday and Thursdays at either 10am or 1pm, and Wednesdays at 4 or 5pm. I do…
Baby V
I *have* to share a few of this gal – I am sure you can figure out why. 🙂
Play ball!
I am really excited – I signed my 4 year old up for t-ball. It’s our first organized sport and I will admit, I am a bit nervous about having to make practice times and games. Kev is going to love it though! 🙂 With this announcement, though, I have changed my schedule for April…
Baby C
Miss K’s little sister arrived at the very end of January and I had the pleasure of photographing her last weekend! 🙂