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Phoenix Maternity Photographer – Waiting for Anderson

phoenix maternity pregnancy photographer

Miss Ava is going to be a big sister! It’s hard to imagine that she was once the little newborn in the family! Now she’s a spunky, energetic toddler with a baby brother on the way.  We had a fun time celebrating her mom’s pregnancy with a Simplicity Maternity Session. Mom selected the “Radiance” option…

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Phoenix Baby Photographer – Sam is 1!

Meet Super Sam – an adorable little guy who was just happy, happy, HAPPY at his 1 year old portrait session. He wore his super cape, rocked out some plaid and dove into his cake like he’d never tasted something so sweet. He’s the little brother of a client I photographed a couple of years…

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Scottsdale Child Photographer – Just too adorable!

As promised, here are Tyler’s big sisters – Lucy and Sylvie. Almost too cute to handle! It may be hard to believe, but these blondies have very strong Nicaraguan roots and heritage. Their dad comes from a Nicaraguan family who settled in California. However, Mom is a blonde haired, blue eyed Iowa girl – and…

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Online Digital File Storage Solutions

Protecting Your Memories One major upside to digital photography is the ease of storing hundreds (or in my case, thousands!) of pictures in a compact manner. While I always encourage my clients, family and friends to print out their favorite images to put into an album that is easy to browse through and enjoy, the…

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Scottsdale Baby Photographer – Meet Tyler!

baby boy professional photography

A couple of weeks ago I had a fabulous time with a family that came into my studio for portraits. The goal of the session was to capture baby Tyler at 7 months (the “oh so cute!” sitting milestone) as well as update family portraits and capture some cuteness of his older sisters with him.…

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Phoenix Family Photographer – A little warm, but a lot of fun!

Bonus point for the dad of this family gifting his wife a portrait session for Mother’s Day and double bonus points for ALL of them for rising early on a warm summer morning to capture some beautiful family portraits. We met at DC Ranch Market Street and took advantage of the plethora of shady spots…

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Phoenix Pregnancy Photographer – Jack is going to be a big “brother!”

Jack is the handsome devil you see to the left of his parents. He’s got a little brother on the way and couldn’t be more excited about it. He danced around the studio during his mom’s maternity portrait session and wanted to be a part of EVERY picture! I think I may be as nearly…

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Newborn Photographer – Meet Grant

I may have mentioned this has been the spring of second siblings? Well, Mr. Grant is no exception to that trend!  Grant had a lot of expectations to live up to as his older brother, Hank, now two years old, was a DREAM baby to have in studio for this photographer. Grant rolled with the…

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Portrait Products – Storybook Album

While a good number of my clients opt to purchase digital files from their session, I still love creating a beautiful, finished piece for those who enjoy the full-service studio experience. One of my favorite products is the STORYBOOK ALBUM – an 8×8 inch exquisite piece of visual delight. I have a gorgeous sample in…

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Newborn Photographer – Relationships

One of my favorite parts of all newborn sessions is capturing the relationship images with Mom, Dad and older siblings.  I always encourage my clients to participate in the sessions as these are truly moments that are precious and unrepeatable. Questions wondering if older siblings can participate in the session are met with a resounding…

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