Just one – have to say that I love it!
Author: Meggan Jacks
I have to admit it – I am addicted to the Nitendo Wii game: Carnival Games. I borrowed it from a friend while she was out of town and have played it every night since. It’s perfect for me – it’s full of all those games you always wanted to play at the amusement parks,…
The “K” Krew
It’s been two years since I’ve photographed the K family, but I have to say that the kids are just as fun as ever – it was truly a delightful session and I had a ton of fun. 🙂
Monsters & Angels
We spent last weekend in Iowa visiting my parents. Being thin-blooded Arizonans, my husband, Sarah and I tried to spend as much time indoors as we could – we even make cookies to pass the time. Needless to say Sarah inherited my love of any and all things sweet! This will be printed as a…
Just a few things….
Here are a few things I wanted to mention: 1. Calendar of Availability – I am in love with Google Calendar and have integrated it with into the blog (see link above) so that clients can get an idea of my availability for shoots. In general, I am booked 2-3 weeks in advanced, if not…
Center of the Universe
This little gal is the lucky one – definitely the center of the universe for her Grandma, Mom, Dad and Aunt & Uncle. Grandma commissioned a session to capture the family all together before 1/2 of them (Baby L, Mom, Dad & Uncle) moved to Ohio. I have a feeling Grandma & Aunt are going…
The first thing most people say when they see my little girl Sarah is that “She looks JUST LIKE YOU!” So, when I was visiting my parents last weekend, I scanned in a bunch of old images (working on geneaology stuff – more on that later) and I wanted to share a key one… Circa…
The little, little brother…
I photographed this adorable guy last week at his home with his mom, dad and two older brothers… so much fun for me to get out of the studio for a newborn session. 🙂 Here are a few favorites:
I struggled in December to capture the perfect images for our holiday card… Sarah, at 17 months is HARD to photograph – she is so comfortable in the studio that she just runs around like a crazy girl and outdoors… well, lets just say that the world is her playground. Kevin often likes the *idea*…
Miss V – 3 Months already!
Growing babies have a tendency to remind you how fast time flies by. Miss V’s mom contacted me just before Christmas to schedule her 3 month babyJACKS Session and I almost wanted to refuse the session – only because I couldn’t believe it was time to schedule it! Where did those months go? It’s fun…