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Phoenix First Year photographer – Quinn is One!

I had the pleasure of photographing Miss Quinn during her first year. We captured all the milestones – newborn, six months and 1 year.  I am always amazed at how much babies grown and change during their first year and am so honored to be the photographer families choose to capture these precious moments!

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Family Portraits – The T Family

DC Ranch Family Portraits

One thing I love about the fall portrait season in Arizona is that I get to work with more amazing families! The T family, from Maricopa, is no exception. We met one gorgeous October morning up at DC Ranch and had a fun time capturing their first professional family portraits in over 16 years! With…

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Phoenix Newborn Photographer – Miss Emma

baby girl portrait

Emma is one of the recent newborns I’ve had the pleasure of photographing in studio. She was wide-eye for much of the session but then settled in to a deep sleep at the very end. We took advantage of her alertness to capture portraits with her gorgeous blue eyes and then when she fell asleep,…

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Scottsdale Newborn Photographer – Baby Aleeza

newborn photography in scottsdale

2013 continues to be the year of younger siblings for me. It’s always a delight to receive phone calls and emails letting me know that new babies are on their way and asking to schedule sessions to capture this milestone for families. I photographed Aleeza’s older sister Maren in early 2012 and it was wonderful…

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Miss Maya – One Year Portrait Session

phoenix professional portrait studio, photography studio arizona

Little Miss Maya, and her delightful dog Tuscan, drove down with their parents from northeast Arizona for a portrait session with me a couple of weeks ago. SO much fun! As you can see, both children cooperated wonderfully and let their personalities shine through to the portraits. It was funny to watch Maya chew on…

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Phoenix Newborn Photographer – Hurricane Wesley

Wesley came to visit me this summer when he was right around a month old – wide-eye and chipper.  He obviously thought he was too old for this “sleeping” thing, but I am a patient photographer and willing to work with all the little things that babies throw my way. 🙂 His beautiful blue eyes…

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Phoenix Photographer – Introducing the new Gallery Album

I am SUPER excited to show off the latest addition to the MJP product line-up. I have searched and searched for an album that would offer a clean, understated modern feel.  What I found is an album that will almost deceive you – it looks so unsuspecting, but feels divine when you pick it up…

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The Printed Project – Yearly Family Album

printing your digital files, the printed project

I have a confession – I have hard drive after hard drive filled with personal snapshots of holidays, vacations, birthday and other, everyday type moments that are stuck in bit-land, only accessible if I pull up the files on my computer.  This is not a way for these memories to live as they aren’t in…

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Scottsale Professional Photographer – Little Miss Chatterbox

scottsdale baby photographer

Miss Hannah is going to be a talker – at not-quite-one-year-old, she is one of the most vocal “babies” I have ever photographed.  And she does it in the most adorable fashion – chattering on for a few minutes and then breaking out into a delightful set of giggles and grins. It’s as if she’s…

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Downtown Tempe Photographer – Scouting it out

tempe arizona mill avenue professional family photographer

Periodically I do get out of the studio and have had some amazing sessions in beautiful locations. But one location I have never photographed is in Downtown Tempe. With the break in temps and an activity-free Sunday morning available, I thought it was a perfect time to venture down to Mill Avenue and see what…

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